A Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body

A Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body – Do you ever wonder how medicines magically make your pain go away and treat all the disorders? If you too have been intrigued by this question many times, get A Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body with this blog brought to you by Alpha Drugs. Learn why some medicines have to be injected and others have to be taken orally. This article will give you answers to all your curiosities. 

Medicines cover an interesting route from your mouth to your brain to give you the desired effect of the medicine. Four different stages mark the entire journey; absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Every medicine we take goes through these four distinct stages to show its effect. This blog will give you A Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body and magically cure all the diseases. 

A Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body

Different Routes of Drug Administration 

Route of administration is how drugs and other substances are delivered into the body most effectively. Several routes can be used to deliver the medicines at the target site through the bloodstream. The choice of drug route administration also depends on several factors including the nature of the drug and the patient’s condition. The list of routes used to administer drugs are listed below: 

  • Delivered through the skin by a patch (transdermal)
  • Placed in the eye or ear
  • Placed in the rectum or vagina
  • Sprayed in the nose
  • Taken by mouth (oral)
  • Injection
  • Placed under the tongue (sublingual) or between the gums and cheek (buccal)
  • Inhaled into the lungs

How do Drugs Get Absorbed into the Body? 

Drugs can be given through various administration routes to regulate the dosage and also depending on the drug’s molecular properties. The body absorbs the drug from its administration point into the bloodstream. On entering the bloodstream, the drug circulates throughout the body and reaches the target site. Sometimes the the chemical makeup of a molecule makes it more likely to reach the therapeutic target, whether that’s a specific protein, tissue, or organ.  

Even at this point the body fully doesn’t recognize the medicine and cannot act on it. The body metabolizes the medicine with the help of enzymes in the liver to make the medicine more water solution. Usually, this process occurs in the liver but can also happen in the intestines, skin, kidneys, lungs, or blood. The drugs are designed in an inactive form that the metabolic enzymes will activate to get the prolonged effect of the medicine. 

The journey of a drug from entering the body to giving the desired effect is briefed below: 

  • Administering medicine through a suitable route 
  • Absorption of the drug into the bloodstream
  • Circulation of drugs in the entire body through the bloodstream
  • Activation of the drug into its active form by enzymes 
  • Reaching the target site and giving relief. 

Excretion of Drugs From the Body 

There are multiple routes through which drugs get excreted from our body. Mostly the combination of metabolism and exception is used to eliminate drugs metabolic waste. The process is also called clearance. The medicines usually leave the body through kidneys where their metabolites are filtered out of blood into the urine. It becomes important for doctors to understand what organs are responsible for clearing a medicine, especially in the case of patients with kidney or liver dysfunction. 


Different drugs follow the same pathway in our body to show the desired effect. This blog by Alpha Drugs gave you a Closer Look at How Drugs Work in Your Body. If you wish to learn more about how your medications work or how they are taken, you can consult your healthcare provider to get the most accurate information. 
